Amazon Glow

Amazon Glow is an interactive play and video-calling system with content designed for kids ages 3-9.


Amazon/Jan 21-Jan 23

The Amazon Glow is an interactive product that allows kids and remote loved ones to learn, play, read, and create together.

I pushed the visual quality bar both internally and with our external development partners by creating illustration guidelines, style guides and in person critiques.

I led a team of Art Directors through an iterative concept phase. It was challenging to refine and focus with varying styles within the group.

I was the STO for story and the IP. To evangelize the work, I presented our style guide to leadership and multiple teams.

I was also an IC to games and activities by delivering UI/UX, and art assets for animation

DOMAINS: Visual Development/UI/UX/Concept

TEAM: 5-7 FTE & Contract


Tangrams was the first activity to really showcase the Glow’s ability to recognize and track physical objects in the projected space.

I was responsible for creating the visual benchmark for Tangrams and Art Directing the characters, scenes and making sure files were prepped and ready for animation.

Based on data that was collected about weekly play, Tangrams was by far our most popular game. It also got a stellar customer reviews on the site and was a large part of the product’s 4.5 star rating.

Content behind this password was not released and in mid production.
